Nearterm Blog
HFMA TXGC Newsletter Features Nearterm Principal
Nearterm is honored to have our Jim Matthews featured in the HFMA TXGC’s April-May-June Newsletter entitled The Top 15 Influential People in the Healthcare Financial Management Association of the Texas Gulf Coast Chapter.
“We invite you to read in this newsletter the most influential people of Healthcare Financial Management Association Texas Gulf Coast Chapter ….How they started in healthcare … What their current position is today and what they think will be the future of healthcare….
Join us in our HFMA TXGC Annual Conference May 17-19 2015 at the St Luis Resort Hotel, Galveston, Texas…check our Speakers and our agenda in this issue.”
– Mark S. Worthen, CPA, FHFMA, President, Texas Gulf Coast Chapter, HFMA
Click here to open the newsletter as a PDF
Meet Jim in Orlando, FL, at the HFMA Annual National Institute (ANI), June 21 – 25. Booth #1155